Comes now the case of one Emma Sullivan, an 18-year-old woman-child who insulted Kansas Governor Sam Brownback (R). Brownback's office is demanding an apology. Or so it was originally reported, and we here at the ADP were concerned about this. When first we heard of this, it was alleged that the young lady insulted Brownback to his face and that Brownback had demanded she either apologize or the school board ought to expel her. Naturally we feel this is completely unacceptable.
And it matters not that the Governor is a conservative Republican and that Ms. Sullivan is a jejune teenaged twit who constitutes an excellent reason for repeal of the 26th Amendment. She has a right to call the Honorable Governor of her State an idiot right to his face without fear of reprisal. One can only imagine what we would tell "president" Obama to his face, given the opportunity.
Not only is Emma Sullivan a jejune teenaged twit, she is a liar, and she libeled the Governor. She didn't insult Brownback "in person"; but she claimed to have done so while posting a message on "Twitter", the medium of twits.
Twits tweet on twitter, and Ms. Sullivan claimed to have just publicly told the Governor that "he sucked" to his face. This was a lie, and since she communicated that Brownback had just been publicly "dissed" when in fact he had not, Ms. Sullivan thereby committed LIBEL.
And it was not Brownback but a member of his staff tasked with monitoring social media who notified her school of the "tweet". The apology the school wants her to write is NOT for the insult in the "tweet" ("Heblowsalot") but for the LIE that she embarrassed the Governor in front of others.
Well, Ms. Emma Sullivan, here at the Alexandria Daily Poop we know that you are an adult woman at age 18. We think the Governor should show you what "adult" means. See, Emma, "Adult" means "FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR AND BOUND BY ONES WORDS AND DEEDS". Among other things, that means you can be sued for libel.
And so, Governor Brownback; we at the ADP think that you should give this young woman a lesson in Civics and file a lawsuit for libel. And do it with a private lawyer so she can't claim the whole state of Kansas is coming down on her precious li'l puddin' head.
We bet she changes her tune very quickly.
Emma Sullivan: "Tweet-le DUMB"!