
Sunday, September 12, 2021


"President"  Biden knows how badly he screwed the pooch in Afghanistan. He had such visions of him giving a "I won the war" speech to an adoring public; but now everyone thinks of him as - as one wag put it - an old bag of rotten oatmeal.  

So now he's gonna show US who needs a scolding! He has in the past couple days unleashed a dictator-like program designed to force everybody to get a vaccine for Covid-19 whether they need one or not and whether they can take it without worse-than-the-disease complications. Either that or in some cases he's willing to "allow" people to be exempt IF they take once-weekly nose swabs for testing.  

He claims the vaccine is safe and effective against even the "new variant" but that 25% of the population is unvaccinated and they are the festering open sore of the pandemic.  But he doesn't mention the people who have had Covid and possess a more robust and longer lasting "natural immunity".

And of course - in the name of "protecting the (what else?) children we still need to fuck with the goddam masks.  

Now, if Biden is so damned concerned with "Keeping us safe", THEN WHY THE FUCKING FUCK IS HE LETTING HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF UNVACCINATED UNTESTED AND UNVETTED FORIEGNERS INTO OUR SOUTHERN BORDERS?      Not to mention the refugees from Afghanistan whose numbers have included at least four cases of measles and Gawd knows what else.  Plus, these are unvetted also.  Are we importing agents of what serves the Taliban as secret police? Is Biden allowing terrorists into our nation? We don't know.

And neither does Biden.  Nor does he care.  He only cares about his own power and his own hide.  We are leery of waiting for the 2022 elections to throw a check on him and even if he is impeached or unseated using the 25th Amendment each person in the line of succession is worst than the previous one.  

Biden has done so much damage that we here at the Alexandria Daily Poop think an Article V Convention should  be called specifically to draft and ratify an amendment overturning the 2020 elections and returning the Presidency to Trump and Pence.

What a huge stinking mess from this old bag of rotten oatmeal.  

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