
Monday, November 9, 2020


Remember the 2000 Presidential election and how it was contested with the Florida recount?  Remember how Bush made a speech on TV with four American flags as a backdrop?  And then Gore made a TV speech with eight of them? And then Bush used 16 so Gore came on with about 40 until it started to get to looking ridiculous?

Enter Joseph Robinette Biden, whom the Media has seen fit to annoint the "President Elect" even though he is nothing - officially speaking - of the sort.  Biden has seen fit to create his own "Office of the President Elect", and has been issuing Imperial Majesty proclamations as to what he will do once he is coronated.  

Maybe Biden will soon be recognized as the President Elect. But right now the vote is being VIGOROUSLY  challenged and he is NOTHING OF THE LIKE.  There are many and varied reasonable charges of suspicious circumstances surrounding such a huge vote for an aging subject of a federal corruption investigation and a bumbling fool to boot who hardly campaigned at all and whose events drew more Trump supporters to jeer at him than faithful supporters of his campaign.  

President Trump for his part has vowed to pursue the investigation as far as possible and insofar as he can make sure that ALL the votes were LEGALLY cast. And he has said that if the vote turns out to be legit he will concede and begin the peaceful transition of power that has been the hallmark of our election process from the beginning. 

"The Office of the President Elect" is NOT a legitimate Government entity. It is a figment of Biden's imagination and nothing he says behind his make-believe podium has the force of law, it's just a lot of hot air. 

The only reason Biden ever had a snowball's chance in Hell of getting even this far was that the Kung Flu wrecked the economy and even President Trump had one hell of a time bringing things back as well as he has. He has no business referring to himself as the "President Elect".  That status has yet to be determined by the electoral process, which is STILL not concluded. 

"Office of the President Elect" my ass. 

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