
Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Last night President Trump delivered his annual State of the Union Address to Congress. Pardon the language, but he knocked the fucker out of the park and into the next County. 

After eight years of Barack Obama's jejune self-centered blithering on  America's alleged shortcomings, FINALLY a message of positive hope and real change.  How refreshing!

But how odd, that every positive thing and every proof of good things to come was met with stony silence from the assembled Democrats. The observation that black unemployment was at historical lows was met by scowls from the members of the Congressional Black Caucus.  

Congressman Luis Guitierrez all but ran out of the House in "protest" when the audience began chanting "USA! USA!".  AND the rest of the Democrats got up and ran out as soon as the President finished. 

The Dems know now that they will be facing a juggernaut in November. Their "easy takeover" of the house and Senate is little more than a 12 year old boy's wet dream about his fave movie starlet now.  

Not that they haven't made preparations. Now they're speculating on what plans "the Russians" have for the mid-terms.  

As our President would say:  LOOSERS!

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