
Monday, January 15, 2018


Today we remember a man who had a dream that one day men would be judged "By the content of their character and not the content of their skin".  Maybe someday that will happen.  But some funny things have happened since that statement was made by the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior in Washington, D.C

Barely a year after the "Dream" speech Dr. King was shot by James Earl Ray.  Riots ensued for nearly two weeks, scorching parts of every major city in America.  Once these riots had been quelled, it was decided to fix things so they would not break out again. King was subsequently "honored" by having in every city having a large black population a major through route; usually one running through the worst part of town with liquor stores and fried chicken places on every corner that didn't have a pawnshop; named after Dr. King.  This is an honor?

A few years ago Dr. King got a memorial in the Nation's Capital. This is an honor extended to very few private citizens such as Clara Barton (Who has a parkway named for her).  But King's statue doesn't look one thing like him. It appears to be a half-Chinese black man with a stern look on his face, as if he were about to apply his belt to the posterior of an errant child. This is not really a mystery, because the sculptor is a Chi-Com. Plus it had a few misquotes that made King sound like a twit. These, we are given to understand, have mostly been remedied.

But what about "The Dream"?

Regrettably it is further out of reach than it was in 1968.  There has been progress; co-workers of different races these days tend to pay their race no mind.  But the rise of the race-hustlers and hucksters out there displays no sign of abating, and a large segment of America's black population has developed the attitude that past violation of other members of their group's civil rights translates into their being able to do no wrong.  

King's dream has been turned on its head. When certified thugs such as Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown wind up dead after assaulting police officers or innocent citizens, people who point out the content of their character are shouted down while the race baiters DEMAND that the thugs be judged by the color of their skin.

That's scarcely something Dr. King would approve of. 

Oh well. At least he tried.

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