
Tuesday, November 10, 2020


GENTLE READERS, we have said on Facebook and other venues ad infinitum that COVID-19 (or as we call it, the Kung Flu) has been and is being used as a political tool. Now the proof is as glaring as the sun in one's eyes, and there is no denying it. 

We have since mid-March been subjected to popular recreational venues being close and/or having their hours and access curtailed.  Entire industries have been shut down and scads of workers laid off all in the name of - first it was "flattening the curve" so that emergency rooms would not be overwhelmed, and this was expanded to "stopping the spread" of the virus, which was and is a fool's errand.  

We have been required - sometimes under penalty of law - to make ourselves into faceless ciphers wearing these damned masks and breathing our own hot breath into our own faces in the middle of summer. Having a few friends over for a little poker game has been decried as inviting mass infection by a "deadly" bug.  Governors and mayors have in many cases overstepped their bounds, trying to justify this as a "reasonable" response to a global emergency.  Restauranteurs and recreational venues are teetering on the brink due to the orders issued by those who claim they are trying to save us from a virus by making sure we starve, get evicted, and go batshit crazy from being shut up with as little human contact as possible. All this to stop a virus that does not produce symptoms in the vast majority of those who contract it.  

There are however those - chiefly the aged and/or very infirm - for whom this virus is major, life threatening trouble. And since it is alleged that even infected people with no symptoms can still spread it, EVERYBODY has to mask up and give up their social lives. The politicians say this and then turn around and do boneheaded things like FORCE nursing homes to admit seniors who are sickened by the virus.  This is like trying to put out a campfire with kindling. 

Now this may be coincidence or it may be deliberate (and it's probably some of both), but one effect this virus and the - by our lights irrational and unrealistic - response to it has been the toppling of the swinging - dicks - and - big - tits economy that President Trump had  wrought by his policies.  This malaise was seized on by Democrats at all levels and used to help bring President Trump down (Or try to. From all appearances a heaping dose of election fraud - of which "Mail-in voting" was a big part - is being uncovered and the election is being hotly contested as we write this). 

And so for lo these many months, these endless weeks, these boring days of no fun with friends and restrictions on everyday activities; of not being able to et anything done at the DMV without making an appointment months in advance and all the rest of this pain in the ass inconvenience we have waited as we have been told that a vaccine was our only hope for a return to normalcy. President Trump announced at the outset he was authorizing a program to fast-track a vaccine.  

Now we have said from the beginning that all this would end with the end of the 2020 election, and sure enough it was announced that the Holy Grail of a COVID vaccine had been developed.  WE KNEW IT! AT LAST! HALLELUJAH! 

Not so goddamn fast. 

See, the election isn't over yet.  And since the Dems think they will finally drag Joe Biden's living corpse over the finish line, they want to make the end of the Kung Flu to happen on HIS watch, not President Trump's.  So they have started bitching and trying to stall the beginning of distribution of the vaccine.  

So either President Trump successfully challenges the crooked as a snake farm election OR the vaccine will have to wait - and the wretched masks and the idiotic "Social Distancing" will be with us until January 20th 2021. 

If you don't think this "COVID Emergency" is in large part a bunch of politically motivated crap, you are fucking BLIND.    

1 comment:

Tom Pilcher said...

The long and the short of it, is that America is being held hostage by an idealistic slant akin to a spoiled child throwing a fit in the checkout line at Wal-Mart. We're not getting any younger and the ice cream is melting while you decide whether to discipline your own kid...ignorant to the fact that even your inaction has consequences. Maybe you're the one who needs a good pop in the diaper!


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