
Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Ever wonder how so many lefties can assert two three four or more things that wildly contradict each other and assure the listener with straight-faced confidence that every word he or she has asserted is true? Do they really believe this crap? 

In most cases, yes. This is because they have in many cases been trained by people like the ridiculously named 'bell hooks" (yes, just like that with no caps) to believe in two things that dxon't exist in reality. These two things are "white privilege" and "intersectionality".

Oddly enough when you ask what "white privelege" is you are likely to get a reply of "Well, what do you think it is?" and then when youj've supplied your own answer the questioner says "Exactly!" and starts on a diatribe. 

As to "Intersectionality", well, this posits that all "oppression" and oppressed groups and people "intersect" sorta like follows: It's okay to give Jews shit because they bought black folks from Moslems and sold them to white folks. but Moslems can't be touched because they are against the oppressing Jews; and white folks are fair game since especially white men sit on every other group; and especially women and children are to  be believed when they bring especially sexual accusations against especially white males (but against Moslems and Democrats not so much. And blah blah blah it's all such a load of shit; but they have some kids and young adults buying it and thinking it's sandwich spread instead of horse shit. Juggle the balls in the appropriate manner and you can justify almost every nubar leftist belief as a "quest for justice" or some such crapola. To understand "intersectionality" go stand in the middle of an intersection. It's bad luck to stand in a crossroads, sweeties. You'll get run over.

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