WE ARE still without a computer and trying to keep this electronic fishwrap operating. It's tough to find the time and even harder writing about Obama and the rest of those dirty rats without a nice cold quart of beer handy. First off, we need to point out that we have corrected our previous post to note that King Agag was killed not at Jericho but during the Amelikite Campaign. It was Joshua, not Saul what fit de battle o' Jericho, and Jericho was hundreds of years before the Amelikite campaign.
Now for a few tidbits:
Yes, gentle readers, we must discuss this a bit. We think that this kid wasn't really nuts so much as he was full of himself, a trait that is usually tempered by sound parenting but gets out of control fast. We don't know if he "heard voices" but we doubt he would heed them if he did, since he saw himself as equivalent to God Almighty. Right now we don't have any specific solutions as to what to do when one suspects someone may be this kind of what we call a "Satanic personality", but perhaps a three week hold and an interview with law enforcement could be imposed for anyone who within the last three years has been charged with and/or convicted of violent misdemeanors such as assault, battery, threats, etc; and/or if any mental health professional has within the past five years indicated grave misgivings about someone whom there was still not enough cause to involuntarily commit; prior to such a person being able to purchase a firearm.
We understand the aggrieved father of one of the victims venting at a "hate the evil guns" rally, but GUNS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM AND NEITHER IS "EASY ACCESS" TO THEM. The father mentioned that he wanted to go back and live "like we did in the 50s". Well, back in the 1950s and into the early 60s, you could order a Colt .45 revolver or an M1 carbine out of the Sears catalogue and have it sent COD right to your door parcel post. Those were the days.
As we have pointed out here before, if easy access to large quantities of firearms is to blame for all the killing, then WHY IS IT YOU NEVER HEAR ABOUT A MASS SHOOTING AT A GUN SHOW?? It would be ridiculously easy to do (in theory): just get some magazines for an AK-47 or an M-16 or what have you and carry those plus a pair of wire cutters and the mags into the gun show, where you will find dozens of weapons that will accept your magazines and ammo, right out in the open and secured to the display tables only by a thin easy-to-cut cable. Snip it, grab the gun, slam in a mag...
And you will likely resemble bloody Swiss cheese before you even get a round off. Want to be free of mass shootings? Then put a 24-hour gun show in the lobby of every theater and the main entrance of every school. Easily available firearms are a MUST for good public safety. And that's the name of that tune.