
Friday, July 9, 2021


 Well, gentle readers we have not posted in many months.  The recent elections and the Kung Flu plague and its consequences  have greatly disheartened us.  But looking at things as they now stand, even with the weakest "President" in history at the National helm, as a staggering reeling nation slowly crawls out from under the "emergency mandates" and masks imposed on everyone by Government officers drunk on the power that they supposed this "pandemic" conferred on them;

Even as the Democrat Party obsesses over a minor riot in the Capitol Building even as they continue to gloss over the riots around the country wherein the mob attempted to burn Federal and local government buildings, using lasers to blind the cops and in one instance came so close to breaching the White House security barrier that the Secret Service had to evacuate President Trump and his family to the bunker;

Even as the Left through its academic arm tries to convince children that they can be whatever sex they feel like; and that America is an evil country founded on the enslavement of black people to farm land stolen from the aboriginal peoples; all of it, all of it;

Still we are convinced that we are seeing the fury of an ideology scorned.  The Founders designed our political system to make these radicals do exactly what they are doing now: they know that after they had captured the White House, the House and the Senate by using every dirty trick and sneaky maneuver they could think of, that they would have a very short period of time to cement their cause; seeing that every seat in the House is up for grabs every two years but only one third of the Senate; and  the Presidency lasts for four years.  

This is a quandry the Left has been stymied by time and again.  And so they have attempted to ram through bills that would have enabled the packing of the Supreme Court, eliminated the "filibuster", and eviscerated ballot security in elections to enable cheating.  

Still there remained this tiny two year window to accomplish all this mischief; and as usual the radicals moved far too fast and exposed who they were and are to the American people.  And unfortunately for them their plans alarmed not a few of their own party.  Now the line must be held  for just more than a year.  Except in the Commonwealth of Virginia, where the abominable Terry McAuliffe is trying for a second non consecutive term. The Governorship is being hotly contested by a man named Youngkin who as of today is gathering wide support from parents who are worried about the things the Left wants to put their kids through.  Our election will be held in November, so watch what Virginia does.  

The months leading up to November 2022 are going to be painful, no doubt about it.  but the Left is foundering, trying to claim that they were never against voter ID and that is was the REPUBLICANS who started the "defund the police" movement.  It's their classic ploy of "when something goes wrong blame the Republicans" and never in our lifetime has this strategy been so clumsily and vainly executed.  Keep the faith. We are.


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