
Sunday, March 24, 2019


We cannot make a post about every lunatic thing going down in the USA these days because that is about a 45 post a day proposition and we need to work to survive. However, yesterday Special Counsel Mueller FINALLY delivered his report to the Department of Justice. As it turns out there was NO collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. NONE. 

Nevertheless, the Democrats are trumpeting something about "35 indictments" of "Trump campaign officials" which indictments had little if anything to do with the Trump campaign. Having delivered so little of anything advantageous to the Democrats who are trying to destroy the President, Mueller is now no longer Saint Mueller the Saviour of the Democrats but is now a no-good son of a bitch who must be subpoenaed and questioned as if he were a co-conspirator in Trump's (non-existent) crimes. 

Now we are watching to see if Mueller will turn on the Democrats and expose the illegal wiretapping of the Trump campaign by the Obama Administration and a slew of other crimes committed by the leadership of the Democrat Party. The Democrats are playing with fire in a gasoline refinery, and the explosion potential is spectacular. Stay tuned. We sure will.

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